Distance Learning Due to Absence- Google Classroom
Check out this Link-
Distance Learning Expectations
Students will complete their daily work using Google Classroom with the assigned teacher on their schedule. Attendance will be taken through daily interaction on Google Classroom and completion of assignments. Grading will be the same as traditional school.
Students will be expected to join each class Google Classroom and Remind.
Expectations for Distance Learning Attendance
If students are unable to complete daily work for any reason, students must communicate with their teachers.
Class Participation and Assignment Completion
Students are expected to complete assignments as assigned by each teacher on Google Classroom.
Assessments and Grading
Grading will be the same as traditional school.
Students are expected to follow instructions provided by the teacher to complete unit assessments.
Grading will be based on mastery of standards and student knowledge.
With sports or extracurricular activities continuing, students must adhere to the policies to be able to participate.
Consistent two-way communication and feedback between teacher, student, and parents are essential.
Family Support for Distance Learning
A partnership between parents and teachers will be key to student success in Distance Learning
When contact information changes, students and/or parents should communicate with Pam Huddleston at TCMS to update information on Infinite Campus.
When a student is unable to participate in distance learning, parents or students will communicate with their teachers in a timely manner.
Student Supports
ESS (Academics)
ESS will be offered on Monday and Thursday from 3:15-4:15 for students who need to come in and work directly with a teacher. Core content teachers from each subject area will be available. Students will have to schedule an appointment for ESS. Teachers may also request that a student attend ESS if they are struggling or not participating in distance learning. To schedule an appointment, please contact Cathy Matney at 270-465-2877, ext. 31270.
Youth Services Center (Family Resources)
The Youth Services Center will be available by appointment. Please contact April Melton/Lesley Newton if you need these services at 270-465-2877, ext. 31180.
Kid Spot (Social Emotional Resources)
Kid Spot services will be available by appointment. Please contact your child’s therapist or the Kid Spot at 270-465-7768.
Food Services
Contact Mr. Jon Hall (Food Service Director) or Kathy Phelps at 270-849-3607 for assistance.
Parent Resources
Screen Recording of How to Access Google Classroom: https://youtu.be/RoVG3-vla8g
Google Classroom Cheat Sheet for Students:
Google Meet:
Tips & Expectations for Student Use of Google Meet
Google Hangouts:
From: https://www.isb.ac.th/learning-isb/isb-virtual-school/