Title I Information- Federal Programs
Description of Program
Title I is a federally funded program designed to ensure that all children have an opportunity to access a high quality education. The goal of this federal program is to close the achievement gap for all students. There are two types of Title I programs: Targeted Assistance School programs and Schoolwide Title I programs. Schools are identified and authorized to implement one of these programs based on the percentage of students receiving free and reduced-price meals.
The Schoolwide program allows all students to be eligible for additional academic support. Federal funds are used to support and enhance the overall school program. Title I funds may be used to upgrade the entire school’s educational program so that the overall education of ALL children who attend the school can be improved. TCPC, TCIS, and TCMS operate as Schoolwide Programs.
Curriculum & Assessment
Taylor County Schools teaches and assesses students on the Kentucky Academic Standards (found here: https://kystandards.org/home/ky- acad-standards/). Students are required to take the KPREP assessment each year, typically near the end of the school year, to measure their progress and achievement levels. Parents/guardians will receive assessment reports from these state assessments.
Annual Meeting
Every year an annual meeting is held at Taylor County Board of Education to discuss the Title programs and begin the planning process for the following year. Parent/ guardian surveys are sent out prior to this meeting to gather feedback and discussion points for the annual meeting. Schoolwide parent/family events at TCPC, TCIS, and TCMS will also offer opportunities for parents/guardians to give input on Title programs, as appropriate.
Parent & Family Engagement
We are always looking for ways to improve our programs, so parents are encouraged to complete surveys, participate, as appropriate, in decisions relating to the education of their children, and participate in school events/meetings.
For more information, please visit our district web page here. DiAnne Harris is the Director of Federal Programs. Feel free to contact her with any questions at dianne.harris@taylor.kyschools.us.